Learning Human-like Functional Grasping for Multi-finger Hands with Minimal Demonstrations

Wei Wei,  Peng Wang,  Sizhe Wang, 
Yongkang Luo,  Wanyi Li,  Daheng Li,  Yayu Huang,  Haonan Duan

Paper Dataset

Video Demo

More videos for for our experiments:

1.Functional Tool-use Grasp with Schunk Hand on 3-D printed objects part-1
2.Functional Tool-use Grasp with Schunk Hand on 3-D printed objects part-2
3.Functional Tool-use Grasp with Schunk Hand on 3-D printed objects part-3
4.Functional Tool-use Grasp with Schunk Hand on 3-D printed objects part-4
5.Functional Tool-use Grasp with Schunk Hand on real objects
6.Functional R2H Handover Grasp with Schunk Hand on real objects
7.Functional Pickup Grasp with Schunk Hand on real objects

Visualization of Our Functional Grasp Dataset

Here we show the generated functional grasps for three intention (Tool-use, Robot-to-Human Handover and Pickup) on various object categories using five kinematically diverse robot hands based on the grasp synthesis algorithm we proposed. Due to space limitation, only 28 categories are shown here. Note that no further refinement in simulator is applied to these grasps, some failure cases are also shown here. (NOTE: We will publish the dataset in early August 2024. We are currently working on further cleaning up the code, visualisation and related comments.)

Category Hand Intention Type

Overview of the framework: DexFG

Functional Grasp Synthesis

Fistly, given a human grasp demonstration, we are able to get the affordance map on the object surface. Then we can map the affordance map from one object to similar objects through the dense correspondence. Finally, we optimize the articulated hand model which minimizes the cost function of diffused affordance map (contact).

Human Grasp Demonstration
Knuckle-level Contact Map
Contact Diffusion
Shadow Hand Grasp

The six-step synthesis algorithm is summarized in following order:

  1. Establish knuckle-level hand-object contact to associate fine-grained contact between hand segments and object surfaces, using both object and hand meshes.
  2. Define auxiliary anchor points on the hand to align precise finger contacts with target objects.
  3. Obtain the initial grasp configuration for grasp optimization through human-to-robot hand grasp mapping.
  4. Obtain dense shape correspondence of category-level objects using a pretrained neural network for contact diffusion between objects of the same category.
  5. Apply a gradient descent-based algorithm to optimize the initial grasp configuration based on fine-grained hand-object contact objective functions.
  6. Refine the grasps in simulator to avoid both inter-penetration and self-penetration.

Grasp Generation

Object Reconstruction

Intention-conditioned Grasp Sampler

Data Augmentation

Iterative Grasp RefineNet


Grasp Synthesis for Kinematically Diverse Robot Hands

Comparison with Baselines

Real Robot Grasp Execution


If you use our object dataset in your research, please cite the following papers:

@article{chang2015shapenet, title={Shapenet: An information-rich 3d model repository}, author={Chang, Angel X and Funkhouser, Thomas and Guibas, Leonidas and Hanrahan, Pat and Huang, Qixing and Li, Zimo and Savarese, Silvio and Savva, Manolis and Song, Shuran and Su, Hao and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03012}, year={2015} }
@article{ycb, title={The ycb object and model set: Towards common benchmarks for manipulation research}, author={Calli, Berk and Walsman, Aaron and Singh, Arjun and Srinivasa, Siddhartha and Abbeel, Pieter and Dollar, Aaron M}, journal={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year={2015} }
@inproceedings{yang2022oakink, title={OakInk: A Large-scale Knowledge Repository for Understanding Hand-Object Interaction}, author={Yang, Lixin and Li, Kailin and Zhan, Xinyu and Wu, Fei and Xu, Anran and Liu, Liu and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={20953--20962}, year={2022} }